James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress. James 1:27

Monday, June 23, 1997

We're Engaged

I was transferred to MN in January 1997 for my job with Phillips Petroleum Corporation.  I had never seen so much snow!!!  We met in March at church and started dating.  We always went to a lake called Lake Nakomis for our dates and a pizza restaurant called Fat Lorenzo's.  On June 23rd, after pizza and a walk around the lake, Dainis asked me to marry him.  The wedding was set for March 28, 1998.  The next year was a whirl wind of activity as we got ready for our new life together.  There were family members for Dainis to meet, pictures to be taken, houses to finish, and lots of wedding planning.  I  resigned from my position at Philips and started working on the wedding in Dallas.  This is where my parents lived and a lot of my college friends from the University of Texas.  Today, we love each other even more now.

Saturday, March 1, 1997

When We First Met

When we first met in Spring 1997, Dainis was building his first house with his cousin, who was a builder.  His Mom helped him pick out the lot before she passed away so it was a very special home.