James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress. James 1:27

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Very Difficult Day!

We now understand the roller coaster of emotions associated with adoption.  As you know, we have been waiting to hear more information about the boys from Colombia.  We found them in July and started the process then to hopefully adopt them.  After receiving the pre-approval on September 20th, we have been waiting for the boys' medical history and the official match.  Unfortunately, we got a call from our agency this morning that was not the news we were hoping for.  Our agency just heard from Colombia that the boys have been matched to another family.  The boys were under the protection of the Colombian government but also associated with the private orphanage, Ayudame.  Because the government, the public orphanage, and the private orphanage have all been involved, communication has been confusing and slow.  The huge blessing is they will have a forever family and each child deserves to have one.  We know God has a plan for us, and He has the exact kids picked out for us.  We are glad to now have an answer and just have to wait to see what the future holds for us.  We are still part of the Colombian program at Lutheran and will continue to move forward on our paper work.  They have been wonderful to work with!  It will take a few months to get everything approved by the US government.  Once everything is approved in the US, it will take two weeks to one month to translate in Colombia.  As we continue with our paper work, we will be watching the waiting child list to see if other children become available that would be another good match for our family.  We are sad as we have thought about, loved, and planned for these boys to be a part of our family since July.  However, we are glad we could have the excitement of putting things together and think about what life would be like with two boys running around.  We will now just have to wait and see what kids God has picked out for us since Sebastian and Andres aren't the ones.  As we get more and more of our paper work done, we will be ready as soon as a match comes.  Our fundraiser is still set for November 4th and the money will be a great help as we continue with the process.We greatly appreciate everyone's support and friendship as we continue on this adoption journey!

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