James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress. James 1:27

Monday, November 10, 2003

Therapy Begins

One of the best things about moving here was the therapy I found.  I go to a clinic called Southwest Advanced Neurological Rehabilitation (http://www.swanrehab.com/).  If you are reading this and know someone who has had a stroke, I highly encourage you to explore this option.  Neuro therapy is different from normal therapy.  It is all about retraining the brain through repetition.  It is like playing the piano.  The more you practice, the better you get.  The program is based on intense therapy and the regular program is six hours a day.  When I was not there, I was working at home.  I had my own therapy room, and it was my full-time job.  Although I am not working as hard, I still work on therapy today and have a lot I still want to get back.  I have learned to live with my disability and it does not define who I am.  I have control over how hard I work but only God controls my recovery.  The ultimate goal in therapy is to get you to a point in your life that you can function independently and be closer to the old you.  I have my life back and that is the most important thing.  Your faith and heart is the most important thing to God.  When you take everything away and you are down to nothing, God will always be there.  He does not care about all of the earthly things we do.  It is truly a miracle that I am where I am today and I have the privelege of being a Mom!

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