James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress. James 1:27

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Driving the Kids to School

So far, the kids are doing really well at school.  It is long days compared to schooling at home, but they like it.  They are making lots of new friends.  The kids' school is only five minutes from our house, which is perfect.  The valet drop-off and pick-up is working great.  This is wonderful for me because I know the kids are with their teacher before I leave, and I don't have to park and walk them into school.  That would be a lot harder!  The first thing the kids do, in the morning, is meet in the cafeteria to sing some songs and say the Pledge of Allegiance together at 7:55.  They then go with their teachers to their class and get started with the day.  Getting up at 5:30, having a quick bowl of cereal, and leaving for school is a lot more challenging than breakfast this past year of homeschooling.  It was much easier to get up at 8:00, have a more relaxed breakfast, and home school on our own schedule.  This is the part the kids don't like!  With that being said, the kids needed to be in a different environment for school this year.  Also, there are a lot less behavioral issues first thing in the morning because the kids are focused on getting ready, doing chores, eating breakfast, and getting out the door on time.  There is no time to play and get upset with each other.  This also means there is no time, so far, for me to get upset first thing in the morning!  Juan is dismissed at 2:00 and the girls at 2:30.  So, Juan has a snack while he waits for Ingrid and Angie.  They all meet together on a special bench at the end of the day.  I have a sign in my window to pick-up the kids and their teachers bring the kids back to me. Here is a picture of the kids with their sign.  Then, it is off to home to start our homework!

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