James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress. James 1:27

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Angie, Ingrid, and Juan We Are Coming Tomorrow!!

The past week has been a whirlwind of activity.  We got a very exciting call from our agency last Friday morning, April 1st.  We received our travel dates of April 8th, and are so excited!! 

The next step was to get our Special Vistor Visas.  We needed to have our airline ticket confirmations in order to apply for our Visas, so we quickly contacted the travel agency we had been working with to book our flights.  On Saturday, we were off to Los Angeles to get our Visas.  The Colombian Consulate opened up on Monday at 9:00 in the morning, so we were one of the first in line.  Our hope was to submit all of our paperwork, get our Visas, and head back home.  Unfortunately, it took a lot longer than planned.  Our Visas were not available until Tuesday afternoon, but we arrived home late Tuesday night with Visas in hand!

Once we got back home we needed to finish our packing.  We have a lot to take:  our clothes, clothes for our children in multiple sizes, activities for the kids, and presents for all who will help us in Colombia.  Eight weeks is a long time to be away from home!  Here are some pictures of the packing process:

The most wonderful and exciting part of our adoption journey so far was a Skype Call with our kids!!!  We had the opportunity to talk to them for 20 minutes this morning with the help of an interpreter!  They were able to see us, and we were able to see them.  We are so excited to wrap our arms around them, cover them with kisses, and let them know how loved they are!!!

We are on our way to Bogota tomorrow, so the next time we post, we will be there.  We will meet Angie, Ingrid, and Juan, in person, on Tuesday morning.  They will come back to the hotel with us on Tuesday night, and we will become a forever family!!

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and for sharing our excitement and joy!  It means so much to us! 

Angie, Ingrid, and Juan, we are coming tomorrow!!


  1. Lori! How exciting!! Good luck with your day of traveling and say how to everyone at Hotel Paris:) Yeah!

  2. Doin' the happy dance! (Well, between tears, I am...)

    Can not wait to meet your chickies!

  3. Lori AMAZING! I can't wait to see you guys in Bogota. Our agency is still waiting for confirmation.

  4. Praise God! I am in awe of God! Once again a display of His love. I will be praying for stamina and rest for you. For your children, that you will recognize when they are overwhelmed and then slow down.

    I am tearing up remembering what the first days were like and simply what God is doing.

