James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress. James 1:27

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Our First Valentine's Day Together

 Like all of the firsts we have been able to celebrate with our kids, Valentine's Day was another special one.  The kids celebrated Valentine's Day in Colombia, so they knew about the holiday.  We spent the week talking about it in school and working on different activities, like making Valentine's cards and writing stories about Valentine's Day.  Dainis surprised everyone with flowers on Valentine's morning, and it meant so much to the kids.  They were so excited!
 At school, the activity for the afternoon was to make Valentine's cookies.  So, after putting on their cooking aprons, the kids were ready to go.  They made lots of heart-shaped cookies and then decorated them.   After all the cookies were baked, and the kids tried one, it was back to the school room table.  We have  creative writing almost everyday, so today's story was to be about making cookies on Valentine's Day.  We are all so amazed at how well they are doing in school and how much they have learned in such a short amount of time.  The two things we tell them as much as we can each day is "I love you" and "I am proud of you". 
 After the cookies were made and the stories were written, it was time to make dinner.  Because it was such a big hit the first time, we decided to have make your own pizza night again, with a big heart cookie cutter.  The process of making the pizzas was so much easier this time!  They surprised us with cards they had made, and there was lots of candy for everyone.
 They are doing so much better with each passing day as they understand more and more what it means to be a part of our family.  Day after day, the blessings are more than the challenges.  It is hard to believe that the next big holiday is Easter.  Last Easter, we were celebrating it with our kids in Colombia!

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