James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress. James 1:27

Friday, February 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Dainis celebrated his first birthday as a Dad today, and it was a special one.  The kids went out last week and chose a new outfit for him as a present.  They helped with all of the decisions from the present, to the decorations, to the cake.  There were lots of decisions to be made and a lot of compromising on everyone's part!!  Whenever a decision needs to be made in our family, like what color tablecloth should we buy for his party, we tell them to get together and Team Vober needs to make a decision.  By the end of the day, everyone was happy. 

Dainis had to work today but was greeted by the kids at the door, ready to sing "Happy Birthday" to him.  After dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant, we enjoyed opening presents and eating cake and ice cream.  Everyone went to bed very full and happy! 

Through all of the day to day challenges we face, we can see how far our kids have come since coming home.  When we arrived home, during the month of July, we celebrated Lori's birthday, Ingrid's birthday, and Juan's birthday.  If it was not their special celebration, one of our kids was always upset.  They have learned a lot about patience, good manners, and learning to be happy for others when it is not their turn, since they came home.  We are very proud of the progress they are making, and it is hard to believe we have now been a family for almost ten months!

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