James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress. James 1:27

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Birthday Celebrations

We have now been home for a little more than a week and have celebrated three birthdays since we got home.  Lori's birthday, which was July 1st, and Ingrid's birthday, which was July 10th, were celebrated in both Colombia and at home.  Ingrid just turned nine and had a princess birthday last week when we got home. 
Juan just celebrated his 7th birthday yesterday.  His birthday was a sports theme.  We were so glad we could be home for his birthday!
Ingrid celebrated her birthday in Colombia with lunch at McDonalds so Juan wanted to do the same thing here.  We have had a lot of cake, presents, and McDonalds over the past month!

McDonald's in Colombia for Ingrid's birthday

McDonald's here for Juan's birthday


  1. Oh wow! 3 July birthdays? What a special month, for sure!

  2. How wonderful to start the birthday memories home at last!
