James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress. James 1:27

Thursday, July 14, 2011

We Got The Passports!!

Dainis and our agency representative went and got the kids' old and new birth certificates on Monday.  However, they said it would take until Tuesday to process them.  It was a two hour drive, so yesterday was a busy morning.  We then went and got the kids' identification cards with their new last name and their passports.  They are so excited!!  Right now, we plan to fly home on Tuesday, and the kids keep asking what time our flight will be!  We also went to the Embassy doctor yesterday and applied for their Visas this morning.  We can pick them up on tomorrow afternoon.  It has been a whirl wind of activity, but we are all so excited to finally be at this place!


  1. Finally getting the chance to catch up with your blog and it was SO nice to see that you will be finally coming home soon!! I have to say that your patience in this process is amazing. It is such a hard thing to not be in control, but your patience has paid off and soon enough your family will be in the states, and your time in Colombia will seem like a distant memory. Enjoy these last days in Bogota. It is bittersweet to leave the amazing country that united you with your children and has been your home for such a long time. I am sure many memories have been made. Congratulations to you all and best of luck as you journey HOME.
    The Kopkas-Patsy, Jon, Will, Jake and Gabby
    (Ayudame 2005,2006, 2010)

  2. How exciting, Lori! I have been praying for you for the past few months, and it is encouraging to see how God answers prayers. Not WHEN, but HOW!! Love ya, Lisa Gura

  3. ♥ you all & am so excited to see you! ALL FIVE VOBERS!
