James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress. James 1:27

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Our Official Referral Call!!!!

Dear Friends and Family,

We just received THE phone call that everyone who has ever adopted, or is currently adopting, waits for!!  It is the "official" Referral call from our agency that says we have been matched with children by the Colombian government!!  The process has been quite confusing for us because we went through the waiting children program and adopted older children. 

For those who adopt through the traditional program, this is the first time they have heard about the children that they will soon be adopting and receive any information on them.  For us, our paperwork had to catch up with our match. 

We found out today that our match was officially approved by the Colombian government to adopt these three kids on February 14th - Valentine's Day!  We now have all of the documents from Colombia on our kids!  These documents, along with our I800 forms that just arrived to our agency in MN, will be sent to US Immigration on Monday from our agency  We should now be prepared to travel in six weeks.  There is still a few pieces of paperwork to fill out, and we still have to make a trip to CA to get our visas after we receive our travel dates from Colombia and book our flights.  So we are looking at possibly traveling over Easter weekend. 

As we reflect on the true meaning of Easter, we have SO much to thank God for.  It will make this Easter so special, and we can't wait.  It will be a very busy month as we continue to prepare for our children's arrival and travel.  We will keep everyone posted, so please check back often to see the latest news.  Forevermore, Valentine's Day and Easter will be two very special holidays close to our hearts.  Thanks so much for sharing our joy with us!

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