James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress. James 1:27

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

We Are Getting Closer!

Our adoption continues to move at lightning speed, and God has opened up many doors.  It is hard to believe we were just matched with our kids on December 16th!  So, this is a small recap of all that has happened in just two short weeks.  Our agency submitted our I-800 to US Immigration on Tuesday, March 8th.  We received an e-mail confirmation from them on Friday, March 11th, to let us know they had received all of our forms.  We received our physical receipt in the mail from USCIS saying that our I-800 was being processed on Monday, March 14th.  We then received a call from the Immigration Officer that is processing our case this past Friday, March 18th.  She said she had just received our applications and was processing them now.  We learned today that she had approved our I-800, and it should be on their way to us, via USPS 2 Day Air.  We are getting closer and closer!  Thank you so much for sharing our excitement with us!!


  1. Yea! Don't forget to breathe - in....out....in....out.

  2. I keep checking in with you too! I'm hoping one of us hears word soon that the Article 5 has been issued!
