James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress. James 1:27

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches

There are three parks within walking distance of our hotel, and we try and go to one each day.  The hotel staff is wonderful, and they always prepare great meals for us.  However, once in awhile, we need a change.  So today, we had a picnic lunch at the park with good old fashioned peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!

Our trips to the park would not be complete if our kids didn't pick flowers for the staff,on our way home.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lori & Family!

    I just spent some time catching up on your blog - your children are beautiful! Can you even believe how far you've come in this amazing journey? I know it's difficult waiting around for Sentencia, but believe me the moment you receive it will be bittersweet! We were so excited to come home and show Cruz off to everyone, but at the same time we became so close to the staff and to our new friends, that it was sad to leave. There have been many days here at home that I wish we were back in Bogota soaking up the culture and enjoying the relaxed pace of life down there.
    Your entry about craving PB&J sandwiches reminded me of how we were so craving Subway and ended up walking there a couple times! It seemed SO good!! After we told the staff that we had been craving sandwiches, Katya went out and bought some awesome French bread and had Juanita make us deli sandwiches. YUM! Please tell the staff hello from the Reedys. They are so wonderful and we miss them and think of them often.
    We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers for Sentencia to come soon! Hugs from Minnesota!

    Angie, Heath & Cruz Reedy
