James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress. James 1:27

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Several times while we have been here we have given our kids small presents to make the day special.  Today was our last gifts so hopefully we will go soon!  The girls had fun making necklaces out of colored beads, and Juan enjoyed a new box of legos.  This lego set gives the option of making a boat, a helicoptor, and an airplane.


  1. Hi Lori, We are thinking about you guys a lot and hope to see a Sentencia post soon! The kids look like they had a great time with their gifts! Talk soon!

  2. thinking about you all. i know it must be difficult to be away for so long, i just can't help but think how it is making your beautiful children's transition smoother though! imagine how wonderful it is for them to witness their mom and dad embracing and honoring their culture! i'm sure it is reassuring to them to know this and have fond memories with thier forever family in their homeland.
    continued prayers for your trip home...in God's time. xo's The Miller family

  3. what a great way to keep the time from standing still and to bond as a family!! I love reading your posts, Lori. God bless. :)
