James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress. James 1:27

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Coolest Place

We went to the best place in Bogota, which is called Divercity.  Divercity is in the largest mall in South America.  The kids had a great time role-playing and learning about different occupations in a city.  They received money from a bank for purchases and received a paycheck for each occupation they tried.  The two biggest attractions were an airplane and veternarian.  They learned what an airplane looked like inside, which we are very excited about, as we get ready to fly home.  The veteranarian showed them what it was like to be gentle to animals and had a real dog for them to pat.  This is great preparation for going home to their new dog, Lucky.  They also had the opportunity to shop in a grocery store, be a cashier, and be a firefighter.  We will look forward to going back again before we leave!


  1. Sign us up! We want to take Alejandra! Let me know when you are going. Do you want to meet up at Archies sometime?

  2. Hi Dainis, Lori and THREE KIDS!! We have enjoyed getting caught up on your time in Bogota. It looks like the kids are bonding so well with both of you! Prayers are being answered! Bummer about the long court wait, but God knew about this and there's a really good reason (that you may never know this side of heaven!) Please let us know when you will be coming home. We would love to be at the airport! Your oldest girl looks so much like Nora!!!
    Many more blessings!
    Rick and Linda
