James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress. James 1:27

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Feliz Dia Mama

Happy Mother's Day!  As we watch our kids, it is hard to believe God has blessed us with three beautiful and precious children.  I had a wonderful First Mother's Day.  Over a pancake breakfast, the kids surprised me with a card and pictures.  After breakfast, we had a great time going to the market.  After lunch, we were off to the park.  Juanita, the head chef, is making a special dinner tonight, pizza!


  1. Beautiful pictures, Lori! I'm so glad your first Mother's Day will be topped off with pizza!

  2. Happy Mothers Day Lori! I"m sure you'll treasure that card and those pictures forever:) Lucky duckies that you had Juanita's awesome pizza for your Mothers Day celebration! Yum!
