James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress. James 1:27

Friday, May 27, 2011

When Life Makes You Wait, Make Empanedas

We have now been in Colombia for seven weeks, and our case has been in court for four weeks.  We are just waiting for the judge to sign our adoption papers and then we get something called Sentencia.  This is the big call everyone waits for once they are here.  As soon as we receive all of the signed documents, we will have a very busy last week.  We will take the kids' original birth certificates and get new ones with our name on them.  Then, they will take passport pictures, get a passport, and a Visa.  They will have a medical exam, and we will have a final interview at the Colombian Embassy.  Then we are off to Phoenix.  We have really enjoyed our time here and thankful we could spend this special time with our kids.  However, we are so excited to come home!

While we are here, we had the opportunity to learn how to make empanedas with the chef here at the hotel.  We had a great time and look forward to making them with the kids when we get home.  This is a picture of Dainis with the head chef, Juanita.

1 comment:

  1. Are you going to wear that apron when you fix empanedas for us when you get back? : )
