James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress. James 1:27

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Our Visit to Old Downtown Bogota

We had the opportunity to go to Old Downtown Bogota yesterday, which is called La Candelaria.  Profesora Flor, the kids' tutor, went with us and explained everything to the kids in Spanish.  We had a great time and really want to help the kids start learning about the history of Colombia.
While we were there, we went to the The Banco de la República Gold Museum, which is called the Museo del Oro.  The Gold Museum is the most famous museum in Colombia, and.displays an extraordinary selection of pre-Hispanic gold work collection  All of the gold, along with other pottery, stone, shell, wood and textile archaeological objects, testify to the life and thought of different societies, which inhabited what is now known as Colombia before contact was made with Europe.
After we walked through La Candelaria and had our picnic lunch, we drove through downtown Bogota and saw the President's home, the Congress building, and many beautiful churches.


  1. Beautiful old buildings! I'm so happy you are exploring & learning history of the kids' heritage.

  2. It is so fun to see what you guys are up to in Columbia and how much fun you are having. We're praying for you guys!
