James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress. James 1:27

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Our Court Date

Our adoption case was  submitted to court on Friday, and the court was assigned randomly by a computer.  We received the news of the court and the judge that will be completing our adoption yesterday.  Unfortunately, we got the slowest court in Bogota!  It is estimated that we will be in Bogota for another six weeks, as of Monday!  We are disappointed that we will not be able to come home sooner, but it will give us the opportunity to spend more time in Bogota with our kids. 


  1. Boooo! Another 6 weeks. :*(

    But, you are right -- It's another month & 1/2 of bonding with your kids where they are comfortable. (Either your Spanish or their English should be fantastic by then!)

    Love you guys!

  2. More bonding time in Colombia than expected. Sorry to hear of this delay. We will be there on Monday! We want to take Alejandra to Archies pizza on Wednesday...that is all she talks about! BTW...you might be pleasantly surprised with a shorter time...you just never know with adoption! ;)

  3. Still lifting you up! Take oodles of photos. I promise - you won't regret it.


  4. Oh my! That is a long time. We were only in Ethiopia ten days. While we enjoyed the whole experience, we were SO ready to come home and to settle in (whatever that is!). Well... stay focused on the blessings, as I'm sure you're doing. I'm praying that the Lord will give you endurance and His strength to enjoy your time there. Anything else you need on this end? Love to you all!
